Inflorescence: a collection of 1/1 artworks inspired by the floral designs of Japanese scroll painting, Persian miniatures, and botanical illustration, to which I add my own style of pseudo-realism and lighting techniques.
Inflorescence No. 01
For this project, I used Houdini for all the modeling, rigging, animations, simulations and fx. A little bit of post color grading and such was done in After Effects. Additionally, some of the textures used were created as jpegs with either Midjourney or Stable Diffusion AI. These were then processed with Photoshop to design usable materials.
I have long been enamored by flowers. However, my love of them is not purely aesthetic, it goes much deeper, and is a matter of perspective. From a macro view, there is a sublime transcendence in the way a spring bloom can utterly transform a landscape. But when you zoom in, and start looking at the inflorescences individually, an entirely new world becomes apparent.
The biomechanical genius of flowers, in their structures, and in their origami-like unfolding, is a joy to study. Math in nature is everywhere: phyllotactic patterning, differential edge growth and space colonization algorithms, all resulting in such stunning forms. 
In addition, the intelligence plants exhibit in symbiosis with their pollinators is absolutely fascinating. How have they developed such complex communication? I have designed a unique pollinator for each flower, highlighting the incredible diversity of these animals.
With Inflorescence, I have reimagined some of my favorite floral forms and animated them into seamless loops that symbolize either a breathing in and out, an endless bloom, or another eternally cyclic form of motion. It is in this wonderfully brief blooming of something so seemingly delicate that we have an opportunity to understand a much larger cycle that will last as long as this world does. Each artwork represents the eternal disguising itself as ephemeral. Don't be fooled by this, it goes on, again and again...
Inflorescence No. 02
Inflorescence No. 03
Inflorescence No. 04
Inflorescence No. 05

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